Current Read: Beautiful Uncertainty


Book synopsis (taken from back cover): Bestselling author of The Single Woman, Mandy Hale shares her journey of learning to love life as it is while waiting for it to become all it’s meant to be.  With humor, wit and transparency, Many touches on the topics such as walking with God, friendships and family relationships, romance, career and taking chances.  Compelling stories, takeaway thoughts, action steps and prayers will remind you to dream big no matter what lies before you and to look beyond your circumstances and find beauty in the uncertainty.  

I’m only half way through this book and so far I love it.  It’s just what I needed, at this time in my life.  Before this book, I’d never heard of Mandy Hale or any of her books, but Beautiful Uncertainty continued to pop up as a suggestion from Barnes and Nobles.  No matter the genre or author I was searching, or when I was just checking my e-mail, this book kept being pushed in front of me.  Finally, I clicked on the book and read the free pages.  And just like that, I knew it was the book for me.  Without even knowing, it was exactly what I had been looking for and exactly what I needed.  In the few chapters that I’ve read, Mandy reminded me that God is ALWAYS in control and He’s always there.  I’ve always known and believed this but sometimes, when I’m wrapped up in the storm, being tossed around and with no visible escape in sight, I feel alone.

I’m excited about reading the rest of this book.  And if the pages filled with highlighted paragraphs, corners turned down, circled prayers and underlined passages are any indication that the 2nd half of the book will be as good as the 1st half, I’m thrilled about what lies ahead.

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